The registration for The 19th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications (SERESSA 2023) is handled through Centro Congressi Internazionale S.r.l, Turin.
Register for the conference through the following webpage: Click Me!
Full Registration: 350 EUR
NEW Bachelor’s and Master’s Student Full Registration: 200 EUR
If you would like to present your poster in SERESSA 2023, please include the following information in the “Notes and Communication” section of the subscription form.
- Poster Title:
- Authors with Affiliation:
- Abstract:
Invitation Letters
If you need an invitation letter, please contact corrado.desio (at) polito (dot) it . Note that invitation letters will only be provided to attendees who have finalized the registration. Please include the following information in your request:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Gender:
- Affiliation:
- Nationality:
- Date of Birth:
- Place of Birth:
- Passport Number: