Radiation Effects on CMOS image sensors
by Clémentine Durnez (Presenter), Cédric Virmontois
CNES, Centre National d’Ètudes Spatiales, France
Abstract – When embedded in a satellite, electronic components performances can be degraded or even destroyed by space environment. Indeed, they are exposed to harsh constraints, and one of the major concern is radiation effects. Image sensors used for space applications have to be well characterized before flight because they are at the heart of optical instruments. The objective of the lecture is to give an overview of CMOS image sensor technology, and the degradation mechanisms induced by radiations effects. Several kinds of radiations (Single Event Effects, Displacement Damage Dose, Total Ionizing Dose) and some hardening methods will be addressed.
Clémentine Durnez
Clémentine DURNEZ received the Ph.D degree in Physics from Toulouse University, France, in 2017. She joined Airbus Defence and Space from 2017 to 2021, working on Radiation Hardness Assurance on electronic components. Since 2021, she has been in the OptoElectronic Detection Department at Toulouse CNES Space center, where she is currently an Infrared Detection Specialist.