MRADSIM – Matter Radiation Interactions Simulator
by Behcet Alpat1, Giovanni Bartolini2 (Presenter)
1INFN, National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy; 2Beamide Srl, Italy
Abstract – MRADSIM is an innovative modular software toolkit developed to simulate the effects of radiation on electronic components, human beings and materials. It has innovative features to increase parametric precision and to decrease computing time while adding additional functions to perform modular calculations specific for a range of applications. MRADSIM will be the first simulation toolkit using innovative AI/ML algorithms aiming to effectively identify potential problems induced by radiation thus helping to implement mitigation techniques to prevent catastrophic failures on mission critical systems. These systems could be Earth based (manmade or natural) or space-borne. Unique features of MRADSIM will position it among the front-line tools to study the radiation susceptibility of the systems.
Giovanni Bartolini
Giovanni Bartolini completed his M.Sc. degrees in Particle Physics at the University of Perugia in 2017. In the same year, he was selected by the University of Aix-Marseille for a PhD position to work for the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s LHC. His research was focused on fully hadronic final states, and he was involved in the calibration of the Run 2 b-jet trigger and in the machine-learning based analysis of the fully hadronic channel for the process of associated production of a Higgs boson and a top quark-antiquark pair. After receiving his PhD degree in 2020, he started working on the MRADSIM project at INFN-Perugia section led by Dr. B. Alpat, which aims to create an easy-to-use simulation software for nuclear radiation effects. The project led to the creation of the INFN spin-off and startup company BEAMIDE Srl, where he currently works as Research and Development Manager. The company is also involved in other Nuclear Physics related activities, such as the development of innovative radiation detectors, as well as irradiation and thermal test services for materials and devices of the aerospace industry.