Fundamental Mechanisms of Single Event Effects

by Stephen Buchner1 (Presenter), Dale McMorrow2
1Consultant to U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, DC, USA; 2U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, DC, USA

Abstract – The fundamental mechanisms that contribute to SEEs are charge liberation, charge collection, and circuit response. Each one of those mechanisms will be discussed in detail to lay a sound foundation for understanding SEEs.

Stephen Buchner

Stephen Buchner has worked in the field of radiation effects for over 30 years for a variety of organizations, including NASA and the Naval Research Laboratory. He has published extensively in the area of single event effects, in particular using pulsed lasers to obtain detailed information about single event effects. He has also been the lead radiation effects engineer on several space missions, most notably Solar Dynamics Observatory, which is a NASA mission that is studying the mechanisms in the Sun giving rise to the emission of optical radiation. He has been author or co-author on more than 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He has degrees from Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania. 

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