Evolution of TID Effects with the Scaling Down of Microelectronic CMOS Technologies

by Stefano Bonaldo (Presenter)
University of Padova, Italy

Abstract – Ionizing radiation may affect the reliability of the electronic systems, inducing a variation of their nominal electrical characteristics and degrading their performance. The study of radiation effects in microelectronic devices is essential in space, avionic, and ground level applications affected by artificial and/or natural radiation environments. This talk is focused on the exploration of total ionizing dose (TID) degradation mechanisms affecting modern CMOS nanometer-scale FETs. The TID mechanisms are dissected through the evaluation of measurable effects affecting the electrical response of transistors and on the identification of the microscopical nature of the radiation-induced defects. Within such studies, technologies dedicated to high-energy-physics experiments have been tested at ultra-high doses. Different approaches, as charge pumping, low frequency noise measurements and technology computer-aided design simulations are used to identify the location, density and energy levels of the defects, whose investigation is essential for proposing solutions to improve their TID tolerance. Most recent findings highlight the strong influence of scaling down to TID-induced phenomena in deeply scaled microelectronic transistors. The constant evolution of fabrication processes in the semiconductor industry leads to an unpredictable trend in TID effects, requiring continuous efforts for testing and qualification of electronics, thus keeping an increasingly higher interest within the scientific community for research aimed at increasing the knowledge of radiation effects on electronic devices.

Stefano Bonaldo

Stefano Bonaldo received the M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Padova, Italy, in 2016. He spent one year at the European Organization for Nuclear Research – CERN, Switzerland, where he was involved in the development of an efficient radiation monitoring system for the start-up of CHARM facility, a new mixed-field facility for radiation test of electronics. In 2020, he obtained the PhD degree in Information Engineering at the University of Padova, Italy. His research was devoted to reliability and radiation effects on electronic devices in advanced CMOS technologies. He spent one year at Vanderbilt University, US, where he investigated the radiation effects on III-V devices and low-frequency noise. Since 2020, he is a post-doc researcher at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, Italy. His current research is focused on two frontiers: (1) the exploration of the total dose effects in ultra-scaled CMOS technologies for space and high-energy physics applications; and (2) the development of innovative electrochemical biosensors with applications in the medical and agri-food sectors. Among others, his work has been awarded with the NSREC 2017 conference outstanding paper award, the IEEE NPSS 2019 Paul Phelps award, the NSREC 2019 conference best student paper award, the 2020 IEEE Gatti and Manfredi best PhD thesis award in radiation instrumentation, and the RADECS 2020 conference best student abstract award.

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