Call for Posters
Attendants in SERESSA 2023 are encouraged to present their scientific research work during a poster session. The idea is to promote interaction among students and more experienced professionals in the field. Student’s posters will be considered for the Best Student Poster award that will be granted to the best three submissions at the end of the school. The deadline for the poster’s submission is postponed to 27 November 2023.
Posters will be presented during a dedicated Session of SERESSA 23. The printing of the poster is the responsibility of the authors.
The topics of SERESSA include (but are not limited) to the following :
- Radiation Environment
- Radiation effects in materials
- Spacecraft Anomalies
- Single-Event Effects (SEE)
- Total Ionising Dose (TID) effects
- Radiation effects in power devices, power systems and solar cells
- Modeling and hardening analog and digital logic circuits and memories
- Radiation hardening at the software level
- Systems on Chip (SoC), FPGAs, GPUs for space and beyond
- Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) methodologies
- Rate prediction
- Radiation testing approaches
- Laser testing methodologies
- Remote testing experiments
- System level qualification
- Fault-tolerant techniques
- Approximate computing
The poster in pdf format with the following information should be sent to eleonora.vacca@polito.it, with the mail subject [SERESSA23 Poster] <Your Name>.
The body of the mail must include:
- An abstract (Max 500 words)
- List of Authors with Bio and Photo
- A PDF file of your poster