Call for Tutorial Proposals

Deadline: June 25th, 2024 (AoE)
Submit via email to: ;
Notification of acceptance: July 25th, 2024

FPL 2024 (2-6 September 2024) is looking for high-quality, timely tutorials to enrich its technical program. Tutorials offer a unique opportunity for presenters to interact closely with attendees and presenters to gain in-depth knowledge on specific topics. Tutorials should comprise (but not limited to) the following topics related to field-programmable logic and applications:

  • Architectures and Technology
  • Application Acceleration
  • Programming Models and Languages
  • System Software and Environment Support
  • Design Methods and Tools
  • Safety-Critical Applications
  • High-Performance Computing
  • High Integrity Computing Architectures

FPL 2024 tutorials will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of September 2024 and can be either half-day or full-day, lecture-style or hands-on labs. We invite you to submit tutorial proposals before the deadline of June 25th, 2024.

Tutorial Proposal Submission Requirements

To submit a tutorial proposal, we ask organizers to prepare a PDF file containing the following information:

  • Title of your tutorial.
  • Abstract (max. 500 words) describing motivation, intended audience, and main contents.
  • List of organizers and speakers, including their short biographies and affiliations.
  • Topics to be covered.
  • Length and format of the tutorial (lecture, hands-on), and any special requirements for the tutorial room.
  • If the tutorial has been previously offered, provide information on the conference, date, and number of attendees.

Please send your proposals by email to both the FPL 2024 Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs with the subject: “FPL2024 Tutorial proposal”. A confirmation email for receiving your proposal should be sent within 48 hours; otherwise, please contact us again.

Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs:

Carsten Trinitis (TUM Campus Heilbronn, Germany) <>

Corrado De Sio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) <>

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